Well, goodness me, my blog posts are slightly sporadic! I must keep up with them.
I've actually managed to upload some photos to picasa so that I can post them on here!
So here goes :)
I've actually managed to upload some photos to picasa so that I can post them on here!
So here goes :)
The photos aren't in any particular order as I haven't learnt how to do that yet!
Here goes ...
Above is the apple core die cuts that I made for the apple core quilt.
This is Titch! He is our latest addition to the house and belongs to Miss 18. He is such a sweetie pie. A really beautiful, cheeky boy.
The lettuce cutting bit in the greenhouse, along with self seeded Brussels (I think..)
This is my metre square garden bed. 16 types of veg (oh, there are sunflowers in one section..)
The broad beans are romping away. This is my third sowing of broad beans. I have quite big pods on my other two sowings..
These are some of my chilli plants and celeriac plus a couple of fennel seedlings..
Aaaaw, Jake and Titch finally sleeping together..
This is the beginning of another quilt. I was testing out background fabrics. I think I've made up my mind now, and will show you the results in the next couple of weeks..